
Mezi is an AI Assistant for Course Creators that helps automate student support and engagement, 24/7.

Introduction of Mezi

Mezi acts as an AI Assistant for course creators looking to save time, energy and money while scaling their course business.

How Mezi works:

  1. Sign up to Mezi
  2. Create an AI Assistant
  3. Upload your course materials (videos, PDFs, Docx files, etc) for Mezi to train itself.
  4. Share a password-protected link to AI Assistant that allows your students to ask it any questions about your course, 24/7, 365.

Mezi is powered by both Claude by Anthropic and Whisper by Open AI, and trained to be a supportive tutor to your students.

Your students can ask any questions about your course material, and Mezi will answer them with highly contextualized answers so they can understand your course better.

Better yet, Mezi works with any course-selling platform. How? Since you only need to share a password-protected link with your students, you can simply add your link to your course materials on whichever platform you sell courses on. Easy!


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Mezi is an AI Assistant for Course Creators that helps automate student support and engagement, 24/7.


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